Pre-mind-sets toward vanishing
Do not let the stones stop the spirit
We are the New Temple, the Spiritual Jerusalem. Each one of us and all together
Drinking it all
From Brazil: Visibility. Entitlement. Self-representation. Horizontal respectful relationship. Awareness of the complexities of contemporary self-representation. Suggesting the possibility of a collective consciousness rooted in individual action. Careful not to moralize the subject, not to inscribe the work into a pre-established discourse or theory.
FROM FRANCE: Non-linear layout. The audience is given the active role of finding the route. Numerous points of view, varied perspectives, different paths. Every choice is a step ahead. Getting lost becomes the opportunity of retracing, not the same as regretting, your steps.
FROM INDIA: Art as truth and performative experience, passive resistance, peaceful protest, minimal consumption. Space for self-reflection. Call for attentiveness. Invocation to shared futures.
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Cultural growth depends on substantive conversations (more…)
On following this dream of bringing into being an image of race, one race that embraces all of us, I just had to open my eyes to realize how my effort already belongs to a world-wide-web net of dreamers.
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