Ebrietas is the moment of truth. The point of contact with poetic
It is the synchronized convergence between TRUTH and BEAUTY
It is putting into effect that which is permanent across time
It is a personal encounter in which the work of art and its mystery are interpolated
It is a unique, indivisible act which is at the same time an intuitive perception and interpretation
It is the personification of strength. A revelation through which a deep latent reality makes itself manifest to the person
It is an intellectual act, an indissoluble fusion between comprehension and apprehension
It is a gift which refines the intelligent sensibility
In Latin, the term Ebrius means the one who is habitually in a state of drunkenness. Ebriosus, the chronic drunkard. EBRIETAS is this the actual act of getting drunk. Ebriositas, the habitual and repeated act of getting drunk
Inebriated sobriety:This is what happens when the work of art encounters, without ambiguity, the doors of perception. In this way, the work of art shows itself as it is: infinite and eternal